The guidance department contributes to quality education since it helps to personalise the educational process starting at early childhood education by advising and offering support to all those involved in the school community: teachers, students, families and school staff.
From this perspective, at our school, we see guidance as a dynamic, continuous and systematised process which functions in the following areas:
- Teaching-learning process: Pay special attention to students with specific educational needs, by organising curricular flexibility and inclusive care, with the aim of favouring self-esteem and positive expectations in students.
- Advisor action: Integrate personal, emotional and social development objectives into the educational process, which favour appropriate interpersonal relationships to be established in school and social environments.
- Academic and professional orientation: promote students to acquire a better knowledge of themselves, their potential and limitations and facilitate decision-making regarding post-compulsory studies and the transition to adulthood.
We do not conceive these areas as separate, but rather interrelated, and it is this interconnectedness in educational guidance and orientation that allows us to humanise education by enhancing the development of emotional competencies as an essential and differentiating element in the educational process so as to achieve the comprehensive development of our students.
Paying attention to students with special needs.
Offer guidance as students approach the end of their secondary education to help them choose the most appropriate baccalaureate option.
Stay clear of a “strict curricular agenda” and treat students comprehensively by enhancing their emotional skills.
“La formación académica es de primer nivel y las exigencias en los trabajos y en la formación los prepara para un futuro fuera del colegio donde se van a distinguir de los demás. Aunque haya otros colegios donde la fachada sea más interesante, por mi propia experiencia lo importante es el interior.”
Lola Montero
“Cuando llegamos a su nuevo instituto en los EE UU, su padre y yo teníamos pensado ponerle unas clases de refuerzo para poder adaptarse a las clases en inglés. No fue necesario: la adaptación de Gonzalo fue perfecta, y demostró el excelente nivel de inglés de nuestro querido colegio. No podemos estar más agradecidos.”
Gemma Najas
“Para nosotros era prioritario conjugar una educación de nivel con un modo de educar más cercano a la persona. No queríamos construir un curriculum, queríamos educar a una persona. Creo que nuestras hijas siempre nos estarán agradecidas por esta decisión.”
Chelo Pulido
“Yo como padre del Centro Docente María 4 de mis hijos en este colegio, e incluso ahora una nieta, y la experiencia ha resultado realmente enriquecedora. Cada uno con su propia personalidad y cualidades, han resultado atendidos y educados en la medida de sus talentos”
Manuel López