Our educational aims developed from the determination and experience of this educational community and form the ideology upon which our centre is based.

1. Educational concerns will subordinate the acquisition of information to the shaping and development of a student as a whole.

2. The defining criteria regarding ours students’ education is that which is in the best interest of the student and not in those of parents, educators or the school.

3. Special attention will be given to the development of the student as a whole based on the respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals within the democratic framework of coexistence and the practice of tolerance and freedom, as well as education for peace, cooperation and solidarity between communities.

4. Students will receive training that will enable them to assume their duties and exercise their rights as citizens, preparing them to participate actively and creatively in social and cultural life.


5. Openness to all trends of active pedagogy as a method that promotes students building knowledge through experimentation and feeling protagonists of their own learning.

6. A personalized education allows the development of skills and competencies in each student, being of greater interest to CDM what the child “is” and not what the child “knows.”

7. Attention to the diversity of students will be a priority, favouring the development of emotional bonds between peers, empathy and mutual assistance.

8. Knowledge will be the means to achieve greater social integration, to stimulate creative faculties and to awaken scientific-cultural aspirations in a way that allows students to develop their personal autonomy in order to function in their own environment and prepare them to join the workforce and/or specialized continued education.

9. We consider the acquisition of study habits and intellectual work techniques to be fundamental, as well as scientific, technical, humanistic, historical and aesthetic knowledge.

10. Students will be educated in respect for the linguistic and cultural plurality of Spain.

11. Students will be encouraged to feel part of Europe, as well as embracing their identity as Andalusian, Spanish and Global citizens.

12. An understanding and appreciation for the cultural heritage of Andalusia will be fostered, as well as for the problems and needs of Andalusians.

13. Our educational community will promote using free time positively and creatively.

14. We will ensure that our students learn to differentiate the consumerism advertised in the media from basic and real necessities, valuing money in a reasonable manner.

15. As for coexistence, ideological pluralism will be respected, which implies non-discrimination for any reason, whether political, ethnic, religious or gender.

16. CDM is declared non-denominational, respecting the principles and practices of religious freedom.

17. CDM does not ascribe to any political ideology.

18. CDM favours the participation of the different sectors of the educational community.

19. The center considers awareness about sustainability to be fundamental and for that it promotes and adopts actions, means and attitudes that help to preserve the planet.





At CDM, a quality education and instruction in humanistic values ​​are above ideological considerations or elitist stances. We believe in individually tailoring and adapting the system to this scale.



Ours is a project based on methodologies and educational principles that we begin in early childhood education and continue up through high school, progressively working on objectives and contents at each level.



At CDM, the commitment to integrate the different needs of the person, regardless of their intellectual level and abilities, is part of our founding DNA. The special needs of our students in these circumstances are met and integrated naturally into our centre, but with rigorous supervision.

“Academic training is first class and the demands on work and training prepare them for a future outside the school where they will be distinguished from others. Although there are other schools where the façade is more interesting, by my own experience the important thing is the interior. “

Lola Montero

“When we arrived at his new school in the USA, his father and I were planning to put some reinforcement classes in order to adapt to the English classes. It was not necessary: the adaptation of Gonzalo was perfect, and showed the excellent level of English of our dear school. We can’t be more thankful. “

Gemma Najas

“It was a priority for us to combine a level education with a way of educating closer to the person. We didn’t want to build a curriculum, we wanted to educate a person. I think our daughters will always be grateful to us for this decision. “

Chelo Pulido

“I as the father of the teacher center Maria 4 of my children in this school, and even now a granddaughter, and experience has been really enriching. Each one with his own personality and qualities, have been cared for and educated to the extent of his talents “

Manuel López




CDM is a private, bilingual school located in Mairena del Aljarafe, a few minutes from the center of Seville, with facilities of more than 15,500 m², where architecture and pedagogy coincide with our philosophy of openness to the outside world.


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