Sport with a wide range of possibilities and open play. It uses a wide variety of materials and practises different athletic areas: jumping, running, relay, throwing, thus developing basic motor skills and improving ones physical abilities.
Table tennis or better known as ping pong was born in the 1870s in England as a derivation of tennis.
It is a sport in which hand-eye coordination is improved since to play well table tennis, it is necessary that the hands and eyes work in a coordinated way, it also stimulates concentration and reflexes are worked a lot.
Sport that promotes teamwork at an early age. Teams from different categories are formed to compete in the district. Being the most well-known of sports, football is one of the fastest forms of sport initiation.
Sport that also promotes a great sense of teamwork. We develop the general dynamic coordination and the physical skills of our players in a fun environment.
A well-established sport at this centre, with a deep historical tradition at CDM that promotes a great sense of collective effort and deep learning of synchronised teamwork. From an early age, the skills of speed, reflexes and general coordination are developed. athletes.
The offer of the extracurricular sport will finally depend on a minimum number of students enrolled.
A psychophysical discipline within the practice of a sport. It aims to develop the physical and psychic abilities of the student. Students learn discipline and self control, which increases their self-confidence and offers a positive aid towards becoming part of a group as well as a suitable means of self-defence.
Our students participate regularly in competitions, and have received several medals in the the white, yellow and orange belt categories.
Encarnación Cabrerizo Lorence is a National teacher-coach and a 8th Dan of Yudo Black Belt. Yudo, Kata, Personal defense and refereeing. Teacher-Coach National Jiu-Jitsu specialist. Jiu-Jitsu Black belt 4th Dan. Gold emblazoned Black Belt. National referee of Yudo and referee Judge Kata.
Lola Sánchez Sarrión is a national trainer of rhythmic gymnastics. It is dedicated to top-level competition since 1987, participating in national competitions since its beginnings.
It can be defined as the maximum harmonic expression and beauty of the moving body. It is a set of physical skills: flexibility, elasticity, power, balance, coordination, agility and the ability to jump.
Rhythm gymnastics turns music into movement by harmonisinig the musical notes to the stylized movements of the body.
It is the sport most develops the essential characteristics of women, by contributing harmoniously to their physical and mental equilibrium. The purpose of these classes is to introduce students to this attractive and exciting sport, which is growing in popularity daily, and to initiate them in its future practice. This sport, so simple at first glance, is complicated, technical and precise, requiring great commitment.
“Academic training is first class and the demands on work and training prepare them for a future outside the school where they will be distinguished from others. Although there are other schools where the façade is more interesting, by my own experience the important thing is the interior. “
Lola Montero
“When we arrived at his new school in the USA, his father and I were planning to put some reinforcement classes in order to adapt to the English classes. It was not necessary: the adaptation of Gonzalo was perfect, and showed the excellent level of English of our dear school. We can’t be more thankful. “
Gemma Najas
“It was a priority for us to combine a level education with a way of educating closer to the person. We didn’t want to build a curriculum, we wanted to educate a person. I think our daughters will always be grateful to us for this decision. “
Chelo Pulido
“I as the father of the teacher center Maria 4 of my children in this school, and even now a granddaughter, and experience has been really enriching. Each one with his own personality and qualities, have been cared for and educated to the extent of his talents “
Manuel López